U.S. Capitol Demands Fortification As a National Security target: It’s now a target

Manuel E Gutierréz
2 min readJan 8, 2021

The U.S. Capitol is the Temple of Democracy, period. And I am for fortifying this institution as the National Security target that it is. For those that would advocate for a measured response and keep the status quo of openness are missing the greater National Security impact. Let’s examined why it’s a National Security Impact.

A few thousand 3rd rate militants and regular Americans took control of the Seat of Democracy; the branch of government of which the founders bestowed the 1st Article of the Constitution. And the same Constitution bestowed the power to start a war in the name of the American people.

Let’s dispel the notion outright that regular Americans can overthrow the government through armed conflict. The American people today are not to be feared as one that can overthrow the government. Americans at the inception of the republic did not have the same obstacles to mount a successful insurrection. The basic security architecture of the country is different by any measure today, the U.S. military strength, the dozens of federal militarized law enforcement agencies and the federal government supersized surveillance apparatus, are the obstacles by which any group of Americans today could successfully overthrow the democratically elected government.

The attempted insurrection that occurred on January 6, 2021, laid bare for our foreign enemies a huge vulnerability in the security of our seat of government, The Capitol. And that’s the point and the greater threat to our representative democracy through our national elected leaders has been exposed to those same enemies. They can see it more clearly than the average American. And the possibility that these vulnerabilities can be exploited by those same enemies is a clear and present danger.

It’s time to permanently fortify the U.S. Capitol. Bad human judgement cannot always be accounted for; infiltrated law enforcement is difficult to work around; inept leadership in many circumstances cannot be overcome; But permanent hardened fortification is improbable to be defeated. There are basic and high sophisticated techniques and long-term strategies to fortify the Capitol.

In a representative democracy, there are trade-offs to the open society we hold dear. Even with the imperfections of America, we are the freest people in the world and have the most rights that protect minorities and its people enshrined on more documents then any country in the world. In lieu of those trade-offs, the body that represents every American must be protected with a hardened fortification not from ourselves but from our foreign enemies that have seen how vulnerable the American “Temple of Democracy” is.



Manuel E Gutierréz

Father of Alysse | US Navy | Seabee Veteran | Past FIU | Afro-Latino que habla Español | Made in #Miami